Developed with FranklinCovey, the global leader in effectiveness training, this revolutionary wellness program is based on the best-selling business book of all time, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, written by Dr. Stephen R. Covey. The 7 Habits of Healthy People is a workshop that focuses the timeless principles of the 7 Habits on personal health.

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The 7 Habits of Healthy People
Dr. Stephen Covey's video

In Memory Of Dr. Stephen R. Covey [1932 – 2012]
Thank you for inspiring us all.

Studies show adopting healthy behaviors involves great change that proceeds through six (6) specific stages. Most wellness programs influence only the individuals who are already in the action stage, having little to no impact on those who are not ready to act.

In a recent survey, respondents identified health challenges as lack of time, discipline, family, and the many other responsibilities of life today. Wellness programs that don’t provide tools for overcoming these obstacles miss the mark.

The 7 Habits of Healthy People motivates individuals at every stage of change AND provides the tools for sustained behavior change to overcome obstacles.

Developed with FranklinCovey, the global leader in effectiveness training, this revolutionary wellness program is based on the best-selling business book of all time, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, written by Dr. Stephen R. Covey. Dr. Covey is the recipient of acknowledgments ranging from the Time Magazine 25 Most Influential Americans, to International Man of Peace, to the National Fatherhood Award, as well as eight honorary doctorate degrees.

The 7 Habits of Healthy People is a workshop that focuses the timeless principles of the 7 Habits on personal health. Participants learn how to apply the 7 Habits to their own health challenges to create and sustain positive change, and gain a vision of what their health should be and how to achieve it.

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